Category: Trading
Impressions and feelings of Christie’s Auction -Are they Magnificent Jewels?
On the way to Christie’s Auction, Magnificent Jewels, at Hotel des Bergues, I was not sure about what I would find there, but I was already constructing an idea of the realities involved.… Read More
The environmental impacts of Cryptocurrencies
More and more frequently we hear words such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Ethereum, digital-based medium of exchange known as ‘cryptocurrencies’. Most often, we hear about the beneficial potentials of cryptocurrency, such as that of not being controlled by any central authority, but working primarily as a decentralized, peer-to-peer network of exchange, recorded and produced by the cryptocurrency community as a whole (Krishnan et al.… Read More
Blue Sapphire, among one of the big three precious coloured gemstones, is a variety of the mineral conundrum consisting of Aluminium Oxide. Sri Lanka (or Ceylon), also referred as the Gems Island, is not only the steadiest producer of Blue Sapphires, but the mines here are the oldest in the world and their exports have been in existence for more than 2500 years.… Read More
Christie’s Magnificent Jewelry Auction 2019
World’s one of the oldest and now one of the largest and most famous auction house, Christie’s, carrying a reputation for luxury around the world, held its annual Magnificent Jewel Auction 2019 at the Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues, Geneva on 12th November 2019.
Corporate Social Responsibility, a General Overview
The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) appeared more than 50 years ago in Howard Bowen’s publication: Social Responsibilities of the Businessmen (1953). The term has evolved for years, but there is an overall understanding among scholars that CSR is the result of the moral obligation that companies have within the society in which they operate.… Read More
Can Blockchain Technologies Democratize the Energy Sector? The Case of Lition

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a fascinating article titled, “Ethereum Energy Project Now Powers 700 Households in 10 Cities” which briefly details the beginning operations of a “peer to peer” energy trading platform.
Role and Responsibility of Switzerland in the Commodity Trade Sector
Switzerland, a resource-poor country, rose in only a few years to the world-wide biggest “turntable” for commodity trading. Switzerland is home to about 500 companies specialised in commodity trading and extraction, including giants such as Glencore, Vale, Cargill, Vitol and Trafigura.
The Diamond as Big as Des Bergues
The Diamond as Big as des Bergues.
Erik Post

Two desks and four security guards flank the lectern in the middle of the podium.… Read More