Category: New Technology
The Uptake of Earth Observations for Environmental Services Assessments
Photographing the earth from space means more to us now than ever before. Space data feeds the increasing number of models, tools, products, and services that have mainly been created for breaching connectivity gaps and preventing natural disasters.… Read More
The Frontier: what is it and how is it used?
The idea of the frontier is often referred to, and employed, as an accepted concept of an empty space that is open to exploration. However, what does the ‘frontier’ actually mean?… Read More
Role of Contingent Valuation in the Future of Deep Sea Mining
Overview of Deep Sea Mining:
Deep Sea Mining (DSM) is one of the “new extraction frontiers” likely to occur in the near future. DSM is the extraction of minerals from under the seabed, usually 500 meters below sea level.… Read More
The environmental impacts of Cryptocurrencies
More and more frequently we hear words such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Ethereum, digital-based medium of exchange known as ‘cryptocurrencies’. Most often, we hear about the beneficial potentials of cryptocurrency, such as that of not being controlled by any central authority, but working primarily as a decentralized, peer-to-peer network of exchange, recorded and produced by the cryptocurrency community as a whole (Krishnan et al.… Read More
Dragon Domination: the Rise of China in Lithium Supply Chain
In 2019, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Professors Goodenough, Whittingham and Yoshino for developing the lithium-ion battery. The lithium-ion battery is an important leap in mobility, storage, and perhaps human innovation, given that human lives (in urban centres at least) are today centred around electricity.… Read More
Blockchain and Social Exclusion
Blockchain and social exclusion
Blockchain, especially cryptocurrency, as a technology is relatively novel and has lot be explored. However, the important question that arises for me is whether the technology is for everyone or just a few sections.… Read More

Rhino Coin: Bridge between Cryptocurrencies and Conservation
Rhino horn is currently one of the most valuable resources on the planet, its price on the Asian black market reaching 125$ per gram. The international trade in rhino horn and its derivatives was prohibited in 1977 by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), but last year domestic rhino horn trade was relegalized in South Africa.… Read More

The Sun Exchange – Solar Powered Money
The Sun Exchange is an example of how blockchain technology is being applied in the energy industry, specifically in the category of energy financing. The South African startup is a crowdfunding platform for relatively small scale solar energy projects in developing countries, especially on the African continent.… Read More
Can Blockchain Technologies Democratize the Energy Sector? The Case of Lition

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a fascinating article titled, “Ethereum Energy Project Now Powers 700 Households in 10 Cities” which briefly details the beginning operations of a “peer to peer” energy trading platform.