Category: Energy
Stop Flushing Down Fertility! The Case for Recycling Human “Waste”
By Sonja Muriel Plüss
A nutritious breakfast, the morning coffee, and soon follows the call to the toilet. If you are like me and live in a place with a sewage system, all it takes is a flush for the discharge to be gone from our worlds and we can move on with our morning rhythms.
Nord Stream 2: Natural Gas as a Security Threat
The United States recently imposed heavy sanctions against those companies currently involved in the construction of the Nord Stream II pipeline, once again highlighting the important role of Natural Gas in influencing the international political agenda.… Read More
Mining Contracts and Contract Transparency: An Overview
- Mining Contracts
States often enter into investment contracts with individual investors in the extractive sector, aiming to fill in gaps in the regulatory regime and offer special treatment to investors. The scope of issues covered by these investment contracts can be extensive.… Read More
The use of thorium for nuclear energy production
Nuclear power is the release of energy from the atomic core of radioactive elements, such as uranium, plutonium and thorium. It has military and civil use, with the latter referring to the generation of electricity for civil consumption.… Read More
How Green are Photovoltaic Cells?: The Environmental Consequences of Silicon Extraction in China
As a result of anthropogenic climate change, there has been increasing pressure on states, policy makers and businesses to rely on clean energy. Consequently, we see that there has been an increase in the production of clean energy from renewable sources such as wind energy, hydroelectricity and solar energy.… Read More
Role of Contingent Valuation in the Future of Deep Sea Mining
Overview of Deep Sea Mining:
Deep Sea Mining (DSM) is one of the “new extraction frontiers” likely to occur in the near future. DSM is the extraction of minerals from under the seabed, usually 500 meters below sea level.… Read More
The environmental impacts of Cryptocurrencies
More and more frequently we hear words such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Ethereum, digital-based medium of exchange known as ‘cryptocurrencies’. Most often, we hear about the beneficial potentials of cryptocurrency, such as that of not being controlled by any central authority, but working primarily as a decentralized, peer-to-peer network of exchange, recorded and produced by the cryptocurrency community as a whole (Krishnan et al.… Read More
Dragon Domination: the Rise of China in Lithium Supply Chain
In 2019, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Professors Goodenough, Whittingham and Yoshino for developing the lithium-ion battery. The lithium-ion battery is an important leap in mobility, storage, and perhaps human innovation, given that human lives (in urban centres at least) are today centred around electricity.… Read More
Can Blockchain Technologies Democratize the Energy Sector? The Case of Lition

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a fascinating article titled, “Ethereum Energy Project Now Powers 700 Households in 10 Cities” which briefly details the beginning operations of a “peer to peer” energy trading platform.