CSR in Myanmar

History of CSR in Myanmar

  • There is little understanding of the concept of CSR, indicating a need for training
  • CSR is primarily thought of as philanthropy in Myanmar
    • Buddhist influence morally encourages donations of money, goods and services
    • Entrenchment of values encouraging willingness to share
  • CSR is seen as a fashionable concept and is certainly seen as the right thing to do

Legal framework and Initiatives:


  1. Child Labour and Forced Labour
    Child and forced labour are enormous issues in Myanmar. Burma signed the ILO Convention 182—the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention—on Dec. 18, 2013, and put forward an implementation report in September 2015.
  2. Labour Laws
    Employment relationships in Myanmar are governed by contracts, signed within 30 days after an employer has employed a worker for any job. A good employment practice requires discussion and agreement between an employer and a worker on the contract provisions prior to signing and commencement of the contract. As with much of Myanmar’s legislation, it’s labour laws are currently undergoing intense reform.
  3. Corruption
    An insecure regulatory environment leaves the door open to corrupt politicians.
  4. Environment
    Sustainability requirements in business developments still lack legal base.
  5. CSR Law
    Although there does not appear to be a government body directly involved in regulating CSR, Myanmar has been developing strong legal norms for CSR in recent years. In 2010 he government underwent massive change, becoming increasingly responsive to public opinion and allowing the development of civil society

Good practice:

Mandalay Technology, a Geographical Information System (GIS) and remote sensing technology business, has recently implemented a low cost training course, “Disaster Risk Reduction and Management”, to help reduce future impact of natural disasters in Myanmar. This program won first prize for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award at the ASEAN Information Communication Technology Awards (AICTA) in 2012.

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Author: GEN