Tag: blockchain

Posted in Blockchain Climte Change Cryptocurrency Energy Health Mining New Technology Sustainability Trading

The environmental impacts of Cryptocurrencies

More and more frequently we hear words such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Ethereum, digital-based medium of exchange known as ‘cryptocurrencies’. Most often, we hear about the beneficial potentials of cryptocurrency, such as that of not being controlled by any central authority, but working primarily as a decentralized, peer-to-peer network of exchange, recorded and produced by the cryptocurrency community as a whole (Krishnan et al.… Read More

Posted in Civil Society Corporations Cryptocurrency Energy Multi-stakeholder Dialogue New Technology Resource Management Stakeholder State

The Magical State Meets the Magical Currency: What would Coronil have to say?

President Maduro just announced a cryptocurrency to be backed by the Venezuelan oil, gold, and diamonds reserves. The act was justified as a way of overcoming American financial blockades and stop American attempts of ending socialism in Latin America.… Read More